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Roast rib of beef with port and Stilton gravy


3.8kg/8lb 6oz Scottish or Black Welsh beef fore rib (a four-rib joint)
2 onions, cut into 1cm/½in rounds
2 tbsp garlic oil, or vegetable oil
1½ tsp Maldon salt or 1 tsp table salt
1 tsp dried thyme
½ tsp cayenne pepper
For the port and Stilton gravy
2 tbsp fatty juices from the roast beef tin, plus extra to finish
1 tbsp plain flour
125ml/4fl oz ruby port
500ml/17fl oz beef stock, heated
125g/4oz Stilton cheese
1 tsp redcurrant jelly
salt and freshly ground black pepper


1. Take the beef out of the fridge to bring to room temperature, which could take an hour or possibly more.
2. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.
3. Place the onion slices into a roasting tin and balance the rib of beef on top on its bones.
4. Smear the oil over the white fat of the rib joint and sprinkle with the salt, thyme and cayenne pepper.
5. Roast for about two hours, or to your taste. For rare beef cook for 33 minutes per kg (or 15 minutes per lb). If you want medium beef, give the joint 44 minutes per kg (20 minutes per lb). If you like well-done meat cook for 66 minutes per kg (30 minutes per lb).
6. When the beef is cooked to your liking, remove from the oven, transfer to a carving board and allow to rest in a warm part of the kitchen under kitchen foil for 30 minutes before carving. Save the pan juices and onions for the gravy.
7. For the port and Stilton gravy, make a roux by placing the two tablespoons of the fatty juices from the roasted beef into a clean pan over a medium heat. Whisk in the flour to create a paste.
8. Add all but one tablespoon of the port and keep whisking over a low heat, until thickened and boiling.
9. Remove the pan from the heat and gradually whisk in the hot beef stock.
10. Add the Stilton and stir to melt into the gravy.
11. Add the redcurrant jelly and season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Simmer the gravy for five minutes, then stir in the remaining tablespoon of port. Serve in a jug alongside the roast beef.

Learn English Vocabulary & Help the Poor |Free Rice |
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