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Learn English Vocabulary & Help the Poor| |Free Rice |

Delicious beef stir-fry with a hot and sour dressing


2 tbsp sesame oil
60g/2oz bean sprouts
1 red onion
1 pak choi
1 yellow courgette
250g/8¾oz green beans, blanched
115g/4oz cucumber, finely sliced
115g/4 oz white radish, finely sliced
2 spring onions, sliced
1 clove garlic, sliced
500g/1lb 2oz beef (fillet), cut into pieces
1cm/½in piece fresh root ginger, grated
½ lime
4 tbsp water
For the dressing
1 tbsp vegetable oil
100ml/3½fl oz teriyaki sauce
100ml/3½fl oz sake
½ tsp red chillies, chopped
1cm/½in piece fresh root ginger, grated
1 tbsp muscovado sugar
1 lime, juice only
1 bunch fresh coriander
1 clove garlic
To serve
rice to serve


1. Heat the sesame oil in a wok or frying pan until smoking.
2. Add the vegetables a bit at a time and stir fry.
3. When softened, add the beef and toss through.
4. Add a squeeze of lime and the water.
5. To make the dressing, warm all the ingredients.
6. Boil for three minutes, remove from the heat and blend. Allow to cool.
7. To make the rice, heat one tablespoon of long grain rice in a pan until it pops (like Rice Krispies).
8. Serve the beef stir-fry with a drizzle of dressing, garnish with popped rice and a sprig of coriander.

Learn English Vocabulary & Help the Poor |Free Rice |
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