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Learn English Vocabulary & Help the Poor| |Free Rice |

Sabayon with raspberries and caramel crunch


For the sabayon
3 free-range egg whites
1 tbsp Drambuie
50g/1¾oz caster sugar
50ml/2fl oz double cream, whipped
For the caramel crunch
50g/1¾oz caster sugar
25g/1oz pumpkin seeds
To serve
100g/3½oz raspberries
1 kiwi, peeled and sliced


1. To make the sabayon, place the egg whites and Drambuie in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of boiling water. Whisk constantly, until light and doubled in volume.
2. Continue whisking while gradually adding the sugar, until thick and glossy.
3. Add the cream to the egg white mixture and gently fold together.
4. To make the caramel crunch, place the sugar and pumpkin seeds in a small frying pan over a medium heat and cook until melted, golden and caramelised.
5. Remove from the heat and immediately pour onto a cool non-stick tray, greased with butter. Place in the fridge to cool for two minutes, until brittle, then remove and break up into chunks.
6. To serve, place the raspberries in the centre of a plate and spoon over the sabyon mix. Using a mini-blowtorch, brown the sabyon and garnish with sliced kiwi and the caramel crunch pieces.

Learn English Vocabulary & Help the Poor |Free Rice |
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