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Learn English Vocabulary & Help the Poor| |Free Rice |

Baked Alaska


100g/3½oz pecan nuts, chopped
100g/3½oz ready-made ginger cake, chopped
100g/3½oz butter, melted in a pan
250g/9oz vanilla ice cream
For the meringue
6 free-range egg whites
100g/½oz caster sugar
To garnish
2 oranges, segments only


1. Mix the nuts, cake and butter in a bowl and press into a 15cm/6-inch ring mould on a plate.
2. Spoon over the ice cream.
3. For the meringue, whisk the egg whites until stiff, then gradually whisk in the sugar.
4. Remove the ring and spoon the meringue over the ice cream.
5. Use a blowtorch to colour the meringue.
6. Serve with the orange slices surrounding the plate.

Learn English Vocabulary & Help the Poor |Free Rice |
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